Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Sekarang harga emas telah melepasi US$ 1550 auns dan menolak melalui US$ 1600/oz mencapai rekod tertinggi baru, pergerakan menaik kearah lebih tinggi sedang bermula.(1 auns=31.10g)


  1. Investment options for gold at $1,600?
    With gold regularly hitting record highs many more people are becoming interested in the yellow metal and there are a now more ways of gaining access to the market

    Author: Ashley Lau (Reuters)
    Posted: Wednesday , 20 Jul 2011

    NEW YORK (Reuters) -

    The price of gold topped $1600 for the first time this week on a winning streak analysts predict could lead the precious metal to $1625 over the next two weeks and well above $1700 by the end of the year.

    The question is: Is it time to jump in? If so, how?


    The upside of buying actual gold bars and ingots is that when the price of gold rises, the value of a gold block tracks the gains on an almost one-for-one basis, unlike other assets which only track the value.

    "People want to put their money into hard assets, which retain a value when currencies lose value," said Tod Mcelhaney, president of LaSalle Futures Group in Chicago.

    But while physical gold has the most direct value, the downside is that it is also more difficult to offload should investors want to let go of the asset.

    "It's unlike an ETF or futures contract where you can call a broker and sell it," Mcelhaney said.

    If investing in physical gold, it is important to consider the near-term volatility of gold prices. The size and run of the current rally will largely be driven by the outcomes of the U.S. and European debt troubles.

    "A break-through on the debt ceiling talks or a brightening of the situation in Europe could lead to a correction in price. So you have to be very agile," said James Steel, chief commodity analyst at HSBC in New York.

    Spot gold hit a new record at $1609.51 an ounce on Tuesday, but pulled back and traded Tuesday at $1585 an ounce.

  2. EXCHANGE: USD1 aproximate MYR 3.00

  3. Selling gold? Go ahead but don't take profits!
    Gold priced too high? Don't mistake selling it for just taking a profit...Dollars, Euros, sterling or yen are not the right option - they no longer represent a stable store of value.

    Author: Paul Tustain
    Posted: Wednesday , 20 Jul 2011

    LONDON (BullionVault) -

    Yes, by all means sell gold today. Just don't be a schmuck and 'take a profit'.

    That's supposed to be when you exit something volatile and revert to a stable store of value. But you'd hardly be doing that if you traded your gold for US Dollars, Euros, Yen or Pounds today.

    Sure, have a great holiday, or a new car. Maybe sell some gold to buy some interesting shares or, better still, a business. If there's anything you want to spend on - trivial or serious - sell some gold and do what you want to; you've earned it. Your gold is buying you about three times what it would have 5 years ago. You've created the opportunity for yourself, so don't be too cautious. Use it!

    But don't sell if the most imaginative thing you can think of is to hold currency - or worse, bonds. Our currencies are not some absolute unchanging yardstick of wealth. They're junk.

    Not that everyone realizes this yet. Though maybe they're starting to.

    Most people out there are still trying to accumulate money. So trade with them. Give them what they want for something you want. Buy something - and let them have your money! There's only a few years left, maybe months, until the damned stuff becomes truly repulsive; until possession of currency becomes a headache presenting anyone who has it with the immediate problem of getting rid of it. Fast.

    With QE3 (yes, it's coming) or any other of the wacky economic plans out there, our money is shedding purchasing power, month by depressing month. That's the approved and orderly process, here in the UK for instance, of 5% inflation and 0.5% interest rates (subject to tax, remember). Central banks and finance ministries hope you and about a billion other people in the developed West will quietly tolerate the permanent drip drip drip of lost value from your life savings. They're also hoping it won't get disorderly.

    If it does, people will be begging you to take their money away. Yes - begging you. They'll be saying:

    "Here, have the fruits of my lifetime of thrift...My $20,000 for your ounce of gold. Please - it's a fair price. It's the lump sum value of my pension. I got it on the day I retired. I paid into the company scheme for 40 years for this sum, and I'll give it all to you for that 1 ounce of gold. Please!"

    Attractive money? Repulsive money? It's all about whether or not it retains purchasing power, and it's a very, very big deal that the money squirrelled away for 50 years, and by a billion people, is now transparently unfit for that purpose.

    Settlement-systems specialist Paul Tustain launched BullionVault in 2005 to make the security and cost-efficiencies of the professional wholesale gold market available to private investors. Designed specifically to meet his own gold ownership needs as a risk-averse investor, BullionVault now cares for over US$1bn of client gold property, all of it privately owned in the client's choice of low-cost, market-accredited facilities in London, New York or Zurich.
